and life has brought me the fortune that I can strive to preserve and develop our family viticulture and winemaking tradition for the next generation. If I can contribute with my passion to you having the opportunity to taste honest and healthy wines from Modra that will bring joy to you and your loved ones, then what I do makes sense.
Locality and sustainability are the most important for us. Small Carpathians are endowed with one of the best conditions for vines growing in Slovakia, which is also reflected in our wines. We cultivate vines exclusively in the Modran winegrowing district on an area of five hectares. The minerality of our Riesling, the fruitiness of our Veltliner, and the freshness of our rosé will guide you through it by the best possible way.
We create wines bringing pleasure and reflects the character of the Modran terroir, the hard work of the viticulturist and the skills of the winemaker. We are proud to be a part of this local color. That with our daily work we can enrich the cultural heritage and preserve it for future generations.
We are proud members of the Víno z Modry association.
Wine prices are listed including VAT.
All wines are certified as low-histamine (<0.25mg/l).
9,50 EUR
9,50 EUR
9,50 EUR
(Vlašský a Rýnsky)
10,50 EUR
9,90 EUR
9,90 EUR
9,90 EUR
9,50 EUR
9,50 EUR
sold out
sold out
sold out
sold out
sold out
Limited annual production, an individual approach to each variety and the genuine work of the winemaker provide the prerequisites for the creation of the best wines. For our foreign guests we offer the possibility to do a wine tasting with a presentation of history of winemaking in Modra in English language. And what are they? Come and taste them in our cellar. I look forward to meet up with you.
JURAN – Vinárstvo s. r. o.
Národná 21, 900 01 Modra
CRN: 50743929
VAT: SK2120450002
Terroir nášho najvyššie položeného vinohradu na úpätí Malých Karpát
v modranskej lokalite Trávniky je naplno premietnutý v charaktere tohto vína. Granitové podložie, piesočnatá pôda a neustále vystavenie viniča vetru dali v roku 2022 nášmu Pinotu blanc predpoklad pre vznik krásnych minerálnych tónov podčiarknutých plnou krémovosťou a jemnou salinitou v chuti.V prípade, že hľadáte vo vínach plnosť a netypickú odrodovosť pre danú lokalitu, určite siahnite po tomto víne.
Modranský vinohradnícky rajón, vinica Trávniky, suché
Cukornatosť pri zbere 22⁰ NM,
Alk. 13 obj. %
Obs. zvyšk. cukru : 2 g/l,
Obs. kyselín: 6,7 g/l